Snorkeling in St Lucia – Few Things To Consider


St. Lucia, known for its pristine clear water and greenery is the best place to relax on sandy beaches, hike in the rainforest, and explore underwater. The main attraction for tourists is snorkeling. St Lucia is known for various snorkeling spots. If you’re at St. Lucia to experience snorkeling for the first time, you should know a few things before, during and after snorkeling. This will help you prepare yourself. 

What to Expect 

  1. Aquatic Species

St. Lucia's blue waters are full of varied aquatic species. Often tourists enjoy snorkeling in St. Lucia to experience the aquatic wildlife. Underwater consists of colorful fish, and various other aquatic animals along with some corals. Through snorkeling you can also explore varieties of seaweeds, sponges, and varieties of corals. 

2.                   Prime Locations for Snorkeling

Snorkeling is different from scuba diving. The underwater depth plays a major role in snorkeling. Here are some important snorkeling locations in St. Lucia. They are safe and friendlier. 

  • Anse Chastanet is a pleasant beach surrounded by natural beauty. The underwater are known for their rich coral reefs. 
  • Sugar Beach is 2 miles long and known to be a popular destination for its clear water. It allows proper visibility from above sea level. 
  • Pigeon Island, which is a 200m long island, is popular for its coral reef. This island is historically famous and has some great snorkeling spots. 

3.                   Excursions

Guided tour for St. Lucia snorkeling excursions is good for beginners. It provides equipment rental, safety tips, proper guidance, and some training as well. If you want to make your trip enjoyable, you should always consider a guided excursion. These excursions exclusively take you to several snorkeling sites and you can enjoy all the beautiful scenery underwater.

How to Prepare 

  1. Physical Fitness

The thumb rule of snorkeling is to be familiar with basic swimming techniques. You will be going underwater, but to remain calm underwater, you should know a few tricks. Start practicing now. 

2.                   Equipment and Protective Gear

Good equipment helps with good swimming and diving underwater. Buy a new snorkel, swimming goggles, mask, and fins. You can also rent them from a reputable store but try them first before renting out. If you’re a beginner, carry a snorkel vest for precautions. 

Beach means strong sun rays. Buy 2-3 bottle of sunscreen before traveling to St. Lucia. Wear a hat during daytime while relaxing on a sandy beach. Wearing a wetsuit can save you from poisonous stings underwater. Also, keep an antiseptic cream to prevent skin rashes.

3.                   Safety Briefing

It is important to listen to your lifeguard properly during the St. Lucia snorkeling excursions. Listen carefully to all safety tips narrated during the snorkeling in St. Lucia. It is important not to miss out on any point. Learn the right way of using snorkel tubes, fins, and masks. Understand the basics of snorkeling. This will include identifying hand signals, breathing through snorkel and clearing masks and goggles for a clear view. 


No matter how much you enjoy underwater, remember to respect marine life. don’t scare any aquatic animals or damage any coral. Simply enjoy your stay on the beach and enjoy snorkeling in St. Lucia. 


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